About the PI

Chris is an incoming Assistant Professor jointly appointed in the Institute for Human Genetics and Dept. of Surgery at UCSF. Chris conducted his postdoctoral research while appointed as Instructor in the Physician Scientist Incubator in the Dept. of Pathology at Stanford University. This program supported Chris to pursue postdoctoral research at any institution in the San Francisco Bay Area, enabling Chris to join Luke Gilbert's lab as a Visiting Scholar at the Arc Institute and UCSF. In his postdoctoral research, Chris developed a CRISPR functional genomics platform and conceptual framework for exploring numerous higher-order combinatorial chromatin perturbations. Prior to that, Chris completed Clinical Pathology residency at Stanford, and MD-PhD training co-advised by Arjun Raj and Gerd Blobel in the Univ. of Pennsylania Medical Scientist Training Program. During his PhD, Chris contributed to knowledge of genome regulation during cell division using single-molecule RNA imaging and epigenomics approaches. Chris’s interest in research was sparked by his molecular biology research experience using yeast as a model organism while working as an undergraduate researcher in Jeremy Thorner’s lab at UC Berkeley, as well as an early exposure to functional genomics in Greg Hannon’s lab through the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Undergraduate Research Program. Chris’s last name means bear in Chinese and his natural habitat is in the lab, but he has also been observed roaming in the wilderness.

Chris Hsiung 熊, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator

Cas12a collaboration

Nicholas Sambold
Research Associate
Arc Institute
Gilbert Lab

Po-Yuan Tung, PhD
Principal Research Scientist
Arc Institute
Multiomics Technology Center

Ashir Borah
PhD student
Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, UCSF

Roscoe B. Hsiung
Poop Investigator